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Download The Duel (2024) Movie

The Last Duel (2021)
Runtime:152 minutes
Director:Ridley Scott
Countries:United States, United Kingdom
Sir Jean de Carrouges
Jacques Le Gris
Marguerite de Carrouges
Nicole de Carrouges
Pierre d'Alençon
King Charles VI
Herald at the Duel
Jean de Carrouges III
Carrouges' Priest
Rating: vote average (186'676 votes)
Languages:English, German, French, Latin
Genres:Action, Drama, History
(screenplay by) &
(screenplay by) &
(screenplay by)
(based upon the book by)
producer (p.g.a.)
The Knight Jean de Carrouges must settle the dispute over his wife Marguerite by challenging his former friend to a duel to the death.
Based on the true story of France's last trial by combat in the Middle Ages. Knight Jean de Carrouges challenges his former friend Jacques Le Gris to a duel after Jean's wife Marguerite accuses Le Gris of rape. Told in multiple "Rashomon-style" points of view.
Taglines: « The true story of a woman who defied a nation and made history. »
Color: Color
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Official website: Official Site

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